October Newsletter

Fall breeze,

Autumn leaves

Once again October in its beauty,
Scarlet leaves and gold along the lane
Where the maples lure us with their color.
All the world a glory once again.
— Myrtella Southerland, "All the World a Glory"

The Harvest moon has come and fall is back once again!

The mornings are staying dark longer and the days have been cool and breezy. We have truly been enjoying the respite from the summer rains. Foliage is starting to turn and gardens are preparing for some much needed hibernation and we are here to help in the transition! Crews have been out cutting back perennials in need, spreading selective soil amendments and watering struggling plants and shrubs with an organic fertilizer to help them prepare for winter. As we clean up through this season, we do try to leave selective perennials in tact as long as possible to help them continue developing and getting nutrients until it’s truly time to hibernate.

Your plants aren’t the only thing benefiting from this either. Seeds from many plants help to feed birds during this time and things like grasses or perennials left with foliage allow spaces for beneficial insects to pupate and hibernate over our tough New England winters. While we are here to keep gardens as tidy and kept as possible, we also know these spaces wouldn’t be quite as beautiful without the help of our insect friends, so this is our way of helping them out after a long season of helping us.

Crews are also finishing up some end of year adjustments and transplanting in gardens where needed. These are the small movements we make to fill in spaces that seem bare or divide plants that are getting too big for the spaces they occupy. If you have any ideas you’ve been thinking about, please reach out!

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful start to the new season!

-The Garden Life Team


November Newsletter


September Newsletter