August Newsletter
“... and see! how the fruits of the bending tree
Turn blushing and rosy cheeks to me!
And soon shall your garners be over-full
With gifts from the August bountiful.”
The days are long but the years are short. It’s already August and we here at Garden Life hope everyone has had the chance to enjoy some lazy summer days enjoying the gardens without being drenched in thunderstorms or sweltering in the heat.
July was quite the month between the intense temperatures and rain we received, and similar to last year, the annuals have had a tough time really thriving. Now that we have some more temperate summer weather in the forecast, we will be fertilizing annuals to help boost them for our last few weeks before we all start thinking about fall annuals (it happens so quickly, doesn’t it?)
You may have noticed some pest damage to plants recently as well, which isn’t helped when plants are already struggling from extreme heat followed so closely by rain (especially as hard as it’s been coming down these days). We’ve got our eyes on it though, and crews are well prepared with all sorts of solutions. We will continue taking care of slugs with traps, removing Japanese beetles as we find them and spraying anything effected by powdery mildew, black spot and other diseases with horticultural oil. Heavy rains have also caused some drainage damage in gardens which we have been cleaning up as we see.
With all this talk of annuals, we will indeed be preparing for our fall annuals order shortly! Please reach out if you have any favorite plants or colors you’d like to see.
Until then, our crews will continue with general care tasks and a few planting projects including dividing and transplanting existing plants in gardens.
Hope everyone has the chance to enjoy the gardens and here’s to some good weather for the month!
-The Garden Life Team