May Newsletter 2024
Bring on the
May flowers
“A delicate fabric of bird song
Floats in the air,
The smell of wet wild earth
Is everywhere.”
We are thankful for May. The birds are singing early in the morning, buds are at long last in bloom and cold mornings turn into sunny afternoons. It’s the perfect time of year to stop and take everything in, a time when you get to watch everything in nature wake up. We hope you’re taking in all the sights and smells. As for us, like the bees that are back and buzzing about, the Garden Life crew are around finishing spring tasks, pruning winter damage and assessing plant adjustments.
Over the past years, weather has become less predicable. We typically plant our seasonal annuals the week before Memorial Day weekend, but we are delaying this planting by a week this year. If the soil temperatures are cool, the annual plants can be stunted by the cooler soil when planted. This challenges them from the get go. We hope by delaying planting for a week, it will give them a better start and help them grow to a more lush, full plant!
Before the weather gets too hot we’ll be doing projects in gardens, planting and transplanting perennials, shrubs and trees. We also have been noting mulch needs in your garden. Typically mulch is applied every two to three years. If it is applied too often it builds up and had adverse effects for the health of the plants and the overall garden.
We are looking forward to a terrific 2024 season! Bring on the sunshine!
The Garden Life Team