July Newsletter
Soil Soliloquy
“Now ‘tis the time when, tall,
The long blue torches of the bellflower gleam
Among the trees; and, by the wooded stream,
In many a fragrant ball,
Blooms of the button-bush fall.”
How spring flies! With the hectic nature of early season gardening tasks behind us, July is a great time to hone in on plant and soil health.
Soil is the foundational backbone of the garden. Nearly all garden “goods” are a result of healthy soil, and nearly all the ills can be remedied by improving soil to nourish struggling plants. Soil is like a baby: it needs to be fed, watered, and it should be shaded from the sun. (Notice we never say “dirt”? We believe dirt is dead, whereas soil is a living, bountiful collection of goodness.)
Though we’ve had decent rain this year, clayey and compact soils need some help soaking up water. We aerate using pitchforks and a nifty tool called a broadfork to loosen dry, compact earth. Not only does this bring water deeper into the cool layers of soil, it enables roots to breathe and expand. We will also spread amendments and fertilizers based on soil test results taken last fall. Aerating helps bring these amendments to plants’ roots rather than washing away.
Other garden tasks for July include pruning rhododendrons and lilacs, and managing the hydrangea worms that “sew” leaves shut around budding blooms.
Finally—check out “Tim the Woodpecker Whisperer”!
-The Garden Life Team